I can't believe our little Henry is 4 months old! He is a mover and a shaker. I can't leave him alone at all because he rolls all over the place! He loves to suck his thumb and put about anything else he can get his hands on in his mouth. Henry has the best smile and loves to laugh. He thinks my ponytail is the funniest thing ever, he laughs when it swings back and forth. He loves to check out his hands. He opens and closes his fist and loves to swing his toy keys around. Another one of Henry's favorite things is his toes. He loves to grab his socks and kick his feet. His favorite spot is still his swing, but he also enjoys spending time with Ella Grace outside in his exersaucer. Here are his 4 month stats:
weight - 13 lbs 6 oz 25th percentile
height - 24 1/2 inches - 25th percentile
head cir. - 41 1/2 cm - 25th percentile
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